Chesnaught is the next 7-Star Tera Raid Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, and here is how to beat it.
A new Tera Raid event is on the horizon, and Pokemon Scarlet & Violet fans will once again be facing a starter from a previous generation. Players will have the unique opportunity to catch Chesnaught in the latest 7-Star Tera Raid battle. This is a Generation 6 Pokemon introduced with Pokemon X & Y, and it may not be the most memorable starter. Still, it’s always worth catching any Pokemon in these powerful Tera Raid events.
Just like previous starter Tera Raid events, this is a 7-Star battle, which means there are a few requirements that players must meet to be able to encounter Chesnaught. To gain access to 7-Star Tera Raid battles, gamers must have already completed the main story of Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, beat all gym rematches, completed the Academy Ace tournament, and beat at least ten 4-Star Tera Raid battles.
Gamers that meet all the requirements must then also check their Poke Portal News to update raid encounters. The Chesnaught Tera Raid event will be live May 12, at 00:00 UTC, until May 14, at 23:59 UTC. It will then be available again the following week, so May 19, at 00:00 UTC until May 21, at 23:59 UTC.
Chesnaught is a Grass- and Fighting-Type Pokemon, but it will terastalize into a Rock-Type Pokemon, which means that offensively it gets STAB for using Grass-, Fighting-, and Rock-Type moves, and on top of that, it’s only Rock-Type when it comes to its defenses. Its defensive Rock-Type makes Chesnaught resistant to some of its previous weaknesses, such as Fire-, Flying- and Poison-Type moves.
To take down Chesnaught, gamers will have to focus on its Tera-Type’s weaknesses, which are Water-, Grass-, Ground-, Steel-, and Fighting-Type moves, but also beware of its strengths. On top of this, players should keep in mind that Chesnaught’s Sp. Defense stat is much lower than its Defense, so they should definitely take advantage of this by choosing a Special Attacker.

Gholdengo is a great option for this Tera-Raid battle, even though it’s weak to Fighting-Type moves. It’s a particularly strong Pokemon from the Paldea region with an impressive Sp. Attack stat and two great defensive stats. Its signature move, Make It Rain, is a threatening Special Steel-Type offensive move with 100 percent accuracy and 120 base power.
Another viable choice for this battle would be Annihilape. This Pokemon has a very impressive Attack stat and powerful Fighting-Type moves that can quickly lower Chesnaught’s health. Stomping Tantrum, Close Combat, and Drain Punch are some of the best moves players should consider teaching their Annihilape before taking it to battle. They can pair these offensive moves with Bulk Up for a higher Defense and Attack.